Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I finally confronted someone about my past and the fact that they knew what happened. I had held it for far too long and I didn't realize until recently that it was holding me back and messing me up still. I thought I had conquered that a
nd was done living in the past. Well, now I AM done with that and I'm moving forward. I let depression and anger get the better of me and stopped working out. On 12/09/2012 I ran for the first time in a long time and I felt great! Tired, but great!

I'm over and done. I'm dropping the baggage. I won't go into my soon to be 52nd year of life dragging that shit with me. ¡No mas! Like my man Rocky Balboa said to his son, "It's not about how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."

Is This Who I Am To Be? Monday, February 06, 2006

Editor's note: This is a blog from 2006. The nine years refers to my previous marriage.
Were we ever whole in our younger days? I was once an angel then spent nine years as merely human until I found some of the angelic in me again. Now it is inevitable that others see that spark within me shine through my eyes. I do not see it myself but then it is not for me but for those in need to see it themselves. Am I the lighthouse to their ship fearing the rocky shores? Am I being compelled to heal myself that I may help others heal? Do I triumph that others may?