Monday, February 16, 2009

23 Days - February 04, 2007 

23 Days

She couldn't bring herself to wear her glasses. No, it wasn't a matter of vanity. Nothing as silly as that. Frances Bomian, Frankie the Bohemian to her friends, was as far from vain as a southern woman could be. That's not to say she was without style. Frankie had more style in one accessory than a lot of woman had in an entire outfit. What kept her from wanting to wear her glasses was her illness. The glasses were fun, funky and attention grabbing. The last thing she felt like now was fun and she did not want to attract any attention. If she has to be ill then goodness gracious no one will be allowed to fuss over her. She can take care of her own self, even if it means she can only muster enough strength to drink water and take baths. At least they will be luxurious baths with scented oils and candles. Then hours of sleep in between the bathing and the drinking of plenty of fluids. In no time at all Frankie the Bohemian will back to her old self and she will reach for her glasses with frames as unique as she. "Hello world, what have you been up to without me?!"

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