Monday, February 16, 2009

Please Don’t Go! - January 18, 2007 

A friend asked me to post a comment to her page and it tunred into me telling her to give me a topic or image and I would write something based on it right away. Sort of like improv-writing. Here is the result. BTW, if you don't know, a super is a building superintendent supposedly responsible for light maintenance and rent collecting.

He could see it was blustery cold out and the job he had set for himself would take the better part of an hour so he put on his long underwear and two pairs of sock before braving the streets cold. John "borrowed" the super's shovel and walked to the alternate side of the street where his girlfriend's car was parked buried under a blanket of snow. Not enough snow to keep her bound in Brooklyn. Stuck for at least another day. Another day of trying to convince her not to leave. Another day of her warm body and cold feet. The warmth that soothed and settled him; the coldness that told him it couldn't last. So John began to shovel the snow. Onto the top of her car. Pilling it higher and higher until what stood in front of him resembled something akin to the Matterhorn.

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