Monday, February 16, 2009

What is Loneliness? Sunday, October 15, 2006 

Editor's note: This is a blog from 10/2006.

What is loneliness? One can be alone, not have a relationship and not feel lonely and yet one can be in a relationship and feel like the loneliest person on Earth. I confess that although I am happy and know that I alone am responsible for my happiness there are times when I feel lonely. And there is nothing wrong with that. I have known others to say, or blog, that they do not want nor need a lover in their life and they are happy (so they say). They have been in a relationship that went bad and so they feel they don't want another person for they themselves can be the source of happiness in their life. Great, more power to them but are they being truly honest with themselves? Are they keeping a man or woman away from their hearts because they don't need them or because they are protecting themselves?
Like I said, I am happy but, I do get lonely. And in that loneliness I do not want to seek someone to make me happy for that is MY job nor do I need someone to complete me (a silly notion) for I am whole and complete in myself. Also, wanting someone so you can be happy or needing someone to complete you is to place an unfair burden on them. Yes, someone can make me happy just as someone can make me laugh but, I need not place the responsibility of that on someone else's shoulders. If someone is not happy why would I want them? There is a young woman at work I find myself very much attracted to. She is confident, smart and seems to be happy enough. Unfortunately she is way too young and may not share enough compatibilities with me to make for the long lasting (death & beyond) relationship I want and deserve. So while I love life and am very happy I still get lonely and pray to find one who can steal my heart.

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