Monday, February 16, 2009

The Talk Sunday, October 15, 2006 

I am filled with spirit and loving life! Today was my turn to speak on a topic at the Bahá'i Center and I went in not at all prepared except for a topic I felt strongly about. Not judging others on surface appearance and little knowledge. I had thought on doing a talk on the history of hell and/or Satan but last Thursday the thought occurred to me to just go in unrehearsed and unprepared and talk on a topic based on one of Baha'u'llah's Hidden Words.

Baha'u'llah is the Prophet/Founder of the Bahá Faith and The Hidden words is one of His Holy Writings that is composed of short sayings of spiritual significance. I chose one in which He instructs us to look on another's face as though it were His face and thus we treat that person better than we would otherwise. As I started to talk I felt confident and happy having personal experience in being judged and many times judging others. I talked from my heart and head letting myself be inspired. And it seems I was inspired!

in·spired: Of such surpassing brilliance or excellence as to suggest divine inspiration.

Well, I'm not saying I was surpassingly brilliant but I did mange to inspire others to speak up and share their observations on the topic of judging others. After the talk I felt so alive full of spirit I could've talked on other topics for the next couple of hours!
Having the others present tell me how much they enjoyed my talk made me think again about writing a monologue. I know I can do it and I know I can keep others attention. I cannot wait for my next opportunity to talk in front of an audience. It's exhilarating!

Comment by Azita:
I had a dream last night, it seems to tie into what you experienced. It involved me having to go on-stage & being so shy as to be the last, but once I got there, I was being pulled along by my escorts and flowing right through...then a lady in the audience who had been suffering from anorexia asked about death, though it was to all of us on stage, she was looking directly at me...I turned my eyes down in shyness and did not answer, no one did...then she asked "When should I begin to write?" as she wanted to be a writer, and suddenly a sign from God came in a flash and it was clear to me that He said "Today!"- This I answered outloud before everyone as I realize that not all may have heard His word. There was chatter in likeness, and they asked me to repeat. I told her "Today! God said Today. When you have questions such as these that inspire you, write them down. You can edit them later." My voice had changed, someone was speaking through me and it was hard for me to talk, but the message was clear. Don't put off writing down your inspirations for fear of imperfections- the woman suffering from fear of imperfections with anorexia had spoken out in question, and God answered.
Thus I say to you, if you think you want to write to inspire others, so begin it.
This is what I have begun myself.
Much love,

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