Monday, February 16, 2009

How The Hell Do You Stand It At Times Like This? Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Editor's note: Old blog from 2006. Needless to say it doesn't reflect my current state.

90% of my life is great. I enjoy the hell out of myself and my life but then comes along that 10%; when I wish to God I still had a warm body next to me. Someone to have a converstaion with. Share a good movie with. Someone who would look my way and give me a smile... Not just anyone mind you but that someone I haven't been with in over a year. The good question is why the hell do I still want to be with her? Christ all mighty she was nasty to me in that last email she sent. The one that made me take the damned ring back off my finger and nearly sell it for it's scrap value. However, I think of the times we had together. The good times. The laughs, the hikes, the road trips. The museum visits. Ah, the hell with it. I'm better than this. It's done. It's all our yesterdays.

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